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The Faces of PSA Featuring Deb Hoke

January 10, 2023

The Faces of PSA Featuring Deb Hoke

For the past 47 years, Deb Hoke has been in the airline industry. On June 1, she is set to retire.

Deb started her career in aviation with Pegasus International Travel Club working as a part-time Flight Attendant on a 165-passenger DC-8 flying both domestic and international routes while also working for the American Cancer Society as a field representative. She moved to the regional industry where she spent the bulk of her aviation career in leadership positions for Allegheny Commuter Airlines where she served as Director of Inflight Services. She then made her way to the MidAtlantic Division of US Airways and Republic Airways before joining PSA in 2006. We sat down with Deb to take a look back at her remarkable aviation career.

How many years have you been with PSA? Nearly 14 years.

What positions have you held here? I’ve always been Director of Inflight Services

What made you come to PSA? To be closer to family. It’s one state closer (compared to Indiana) to Harrisburg, PA where my mom and brothers lived.

Fondest memory at PSA? Taking team members to Mirabel, Montreal, Canada to the Bombardier plant in celebration of the introduction of the CRJ-900 aircraft. What a way to bring team members and leaders together. It was magnificent.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in the industry in your career? After 9/11, the TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) and all the regulations that came with it.

Lessons learned from being an FA or while working in Inflight? Everyone has a story and wants to be treated with courtesy and respect during their travels. Being kind is easy and goes a long way in making a lasting impression.

If you could tell the group of flight attendants a word of advice for the future, what would it be? Don’t make the job harder than it is. Allow your natural interpersonal skills to work to your advantage.

What will you miss the most? Engaging with the Flight Attendants and seeing them light up when they feel valued and appreciated.

Words of wisdom for the team moving forward? Remember that every misstep, oversight or mistake is a lesson learned and an opportunity for both personal and professional growth. Take advantage of every opportunity with the airline if you wish to make aviation a career.

What do you see your legacy being here? Being a leader who was approachable, reasonable and professional.

What is your plan for after retirement? Redefine Deb. I’ve been focused on professional Deb for so long, it’s time to concentrate on other things like reconnecting with family, friends, golf, cycling and travel.

If you could recommend one place in the world to visit, where would it be? Santorini, Greece or Tuscany, Italy. I’ve been to both many years ago and would like to go back.

First place you would go, if you could go anywhere right now? Palm Springs or Hilton Head to play golf.

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