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CLT-based Flight Attendant Honored with Real American Hero Award

January 10, 2023

CLT-based Flight Attendant Honored with Real American Hero Award

The safety of our customers is our number one priority and our crew works incredibly hard on the frontline, making sure we honor that commitment each day. Recently, Latise Clark, a CLT-based Flight Attendant, was awarded the Real American Hero award for her quick actions when a customer began having a seizure.

As Latise was boarding a flight to Ohio, she noticed a customer seemed to be confused and requested that the Captain call a medic. Latise then requested a wheelchair and as she and a Prospect employee were helping the customer into the wheelchair, she realized he was about to have a seizure. She quickly told the Prospect employee to help her get him on his side, on the ground, and away from immediate danger so that he was not injured. She recognized signs of possible choking and was able to implement the proper procedures to prevent it. Latise spoke to the customer using his name and helped him remain conscious and comfortable until Medics arrived.

She credits trusting her gut and her Flight Attendant training to being able to recognize the symptoms of a seizure, apply the proper treatment, and for her ability to be able to jump quickly into action. Thanks to Latise and all of our hard-working team members every day for making a difference for our customers.

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