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Hispanic Heritage Month: Flight Attendant Jonathan Reyes-Bartolomei

September 16, 2024

Hispanic Heritage Month: Flight Attendant Jonathan Reyes-Bartolomei

Hispanic Heritage Month honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans and their influence on the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.  

Today, we introduce CLT-based Flight Attendant Jonathan Reyes-Bartolomei, who talked with us about his flying journey, his experience at PSA, and what he cherishes most about his Puerto Rican heritage and culture. 

What attracted you to PSA? 

I was attracted to PSA because of the family-oriented spirit they project with all their employees. I was initially introduced to PSA by a close friend, a flight attendant with the company. After learning a bit about the company’s daily operations, I got the push I needed to pursue my dream job of becoming a flight attendant. I left my career in hospitality, and I have not looked back since. So many doors and opportunities have opened for me at PSA, and I have met so many different people from so many different backgrounds. I would not change one bit about my decision to have PSA as my steppingstone in my aviation career.  

As a Hispanic Flight Attendant, how do you feel you impact PSA’s culture of diversity and inclusion? 

I believe I make an impact on PSA’s culture of diversity and inclusion by continuously assisting Spanish-speaking customers/passengers with any inquiries they may have while traveling. I know how stressful traveling can be, and it’s far more frustrating when you have a language barrier that prevents you from moving confidently through the terminal and trying to navigate from one flight to the next. So, any time I see a passenger who needs assistance in Spanish, I make it my day’s mission to try my best to assist and clear any doubts or possible fears my passengers may have on their journey.  

I do everything I can to ease their minds and hearts with a little piece of home through their native tongue, making them feel a bit more comfortable to ask for help when needed the most. Diversity and inclusion are important to me because I feel this is what is needed to make a more harmonious environment in our airports, communities, and neighborhoods. I have personally witnessed what diversity can bring to the table while working in this industry, and it is indeed a beautiful sight to see when I or my colleagues can bring a smile to a passenger’s face when they hear familiar native words. 

In the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month, what cultural traditions and customs do you cherish the most? 

Personally, being Puerto Rican, I cherish what brings us together in our traditions and customs, especially around the holidays. It is no secret that Puerto Ricans are one of the most distinctly prideful Hispanics out there, and it warms my heart any time I see my island’s beautiful flag displayed somewhere. One of my personal favorite traditions is the food that comes around the holidays, such as Arroz con Gandules, Pasteles, Lechon Asado, and much more. I am such a foodie that I really enjoy the delicious foods and the gatherings we all have to celebrate the holidays.  

Family is fundamental to Puerto Ricans, as we are normally very family-oriented, and we cherish and hold our family members closely. Another cultural tradition I value dearly is Salsa, Bomba, and Plena; these music styles are so rich in culture and history for our island, and they are magnificent to see in action, with their infectious rhythm, emotions, and even storytelling through dances and an array of beautiful instruments. In the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month, I will always be proud to share where I come from, and I am always open to learning about other cultures and backgrounds. 

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