Stay Current PSA Newsroom

Meet Our Inclusion Council: Zenith Baderine Gueret

January 10, 2023

Meet Our Inclusion Council: Zenith Baderine Gueret

Meet our Inclusion Council!

Throughout the year, we’ll be highlighting our Inclusion Council members and learn more about their committed efforts to diversity and inclusion. Our latest featured Council member is Zenith Baderine Gueret!

PSA’s Internal Communications Specialist, Maggie Short, had a chance to interview with Zenith (Check Flight Attendant and Inclusion Council Vice-Chairperson). Read more about Zenith’s story below:

1. What is your role with the Inclusion Council? I am the current Vice-Chairperson for the Council. I assist the Chairperson, Captain Dylan Kershner, in focusing our work as a Council and support him in ensuring that the Council reaches clear decisions that are capable of implementation and in accordance with our mission and company vision.

2. What is your role at PSA? I serve two roles here at PSA. I work closely with our Flight Attendant team members in two capacities. In the first role, I support PSA’s operational performance and Inflight Standards as a Check Flight Attendant based out of Norfolk (ORF). In this position, I have the esteemed pleasure of spending quality time with new hire Flight Attendants, working closely with them one-on-one, coaching and training them in their new role and duties onboard our aircraft. Our training trip together allows me to get to know them and what makes them unique. And then, I harness their individual uniqueness to help them achieve their end goal – earning their wings so they can SOAR! It also serves as an excellent opportunity for my flying partner pilots and I to give our newest team members a warm welcome and very personal experience of inclusion into the PSA work family.

I also support PSA’s operational productivity by serving as an Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) peer rep in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Professional Standards division. In this union role, I provide personal and private peer support on various job-related issues of immediate concern, including (but not limited to) critical incidents, job policies and personal issues. I also serve as a communication point person for our flight attendants, connecting them to the resources, contacts and associations they need to allay job stress, improve work relationships and handle emotional/mental factors affecting their work productivity.

3. Why is the Inclusion Council important to PSA? How does it fit into the company vision? The role of the Inclusion Council is to jumpstart and manage the diversity and inclusion culture at PSA. The Council is important for PSA because its work is resulting in a more diversely qualified workforce, fostering more creativity and innovation in how we operate and leveraging our company’s full potential. Ultimately, we want a work environment in which every individual is treated fairly and respectfully, and has equal access to the opportunities and resources the company has to offer. We want them to feel welcomed and encouraged to contribute fully to the company’s success, in a manner that’s meaningful and comfortable to them. I feel this Council helps foster a style of leadership where our leaders work with teams to identify needed change and create a vision to guide the change through inspiration, compassion and respect, in tandem with committed team members who have the courage to do the right thing.

4. Why are you passionate about diversity and inclusion? I have personal accounts of not being included, nor seen as advisable or “right for the part,” in certain settings both personally and professionally. And it requires a great deal of emotional resiliency to not become damaged or jaded by the experiences of being different and excluded. I come from a background where it is believed that each individual is a path or entryway for the one coming behind them. It is this belief that makes me passionate about building upon a path that will lead those to come to a place of belonging where their undeniable difference is honored and welcomed.

5. How are you more than a Flight Attendant at PSA? These attributes make me so much more than a Flight Attendant: My journey, my potential and all its layers, my work ethic and resolve, my support and work outside of PSA with unsung and unstoppable ‘Firebird’ Heroes and the crowning points of my successes that are yet to come.

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