Pilot Supply Premium Pay

Flow at 5 years or receive top-of-scale pay

Captains (All Equipment)

Years of Service 06/15/23 06/15/24 06/15/25 06/15/26
0-1 Years $150.00 $153.75 $157.50 $161.25
1-2 Years $153.75 $157.50 $161.25 $165.00
2-3 Years $157.50 $161.25 $165.00 $168.75
3-4 Years $161.25 $165.00 $168.75 $172.50
4-5 Years $165.00 $168.75 $172.50 $176.25
5-6 Years $168.75 $172.50 $176.25 $180.00
6-7 Years $172.50 $176.25 $180.00 $183.75
7-8 Years $176.25 $180.00 $183.75 $187.50
8-9 Years $180.00 $183.75 $187.50 $191.25
9-10 Years $183.75 $187.50 $191.25 $195.00
10-11 Years $187.50 $191.25 $195.00 $198.75
11-12 Years $191.25 $195.00 $198.75 $202.50
12-13 Years $195.00 $198.75 $202.50 $206.25
13-14 Years $198.75 $202.50 $206.25 $210.00
14-15 Years $202.50 $206.25 $210.00 $213.75
15-16 Years $206.25 $210.00 $213.75 $217.50
16-17 Years $210.00 $213.75 $217.50 $221.25
17-18 Years $213.75 $217.50 $221.25 $225.00
18-19 Years $213.75 $217.50 $221.25 $225.00
19-20 Years $217.50 $221.25 $225.00 $228.75

First Officers (All Equipment)

Years of Service 06/15/23 06/15/24 06/15/25 06/15/26
0-1 Years $93.00 $96.00 $99.00 $102.00
1-2 Years $100.50 $103.50 $106.50 $109.50
2-3 Years $108.00 $111.00 $114.00 $117.00
3-4 Years $111.75 $114.75 $117.75 $120.75
4+ Years $111.75 $114.75 $117.75 $120.75

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