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PSA’s First Career Takeoff Soaring Succes

July 22, 2016

PSA’s First Career Takeoff Soaring Succes

“This is so cool” was one of the reactions during PSA’s first Career Takeoff event held on July 20, 2016. Student pilots and instructors from all over the country, took part in this one-of-a-kind recruiting event to give these prospective pilots a look at what PSA has to offer – stability and a direct career path to American. Tours of the American Airlines maintenance hangar, C. R. Smith Museum and Training Center were included, as well as opportunities to meet PSA President Dion Flannery and American Airlines DFW Chief Pilot David Tatum.

A special moment came for one pilot as he was introduced to the group as one of PSA’s most recent hires. Ohio State University student Preston McKee has accepted an offer as a First Officer. David Tatum gave Preston a special gift, saying welcome to American Airlines, because as an employee of PSA, Preston has a guaranteed position through the flow program.

As part of the Career Takeoff event, a group of students and pilot recruiters traveled on PSA’s newest Bombardier CRJ-900 from Charlotte to Dallas and back. Trivia, food, giveaways and a tour of the cockpit were part of the experience on the flight. PSA’s cadet program was a focus with the students to educate them on the tuition reimbursement and opportunities it presents.

“It’s great to see future aviators (here) – young and energetic,” Dion Flannery to the group at a luncheon.

Kevin Berg of Fly Carolina said he was on the trip because he was encouraged by his family to participate because he is pursuing a different career, one that will bring him more joy. He said when he was a child, he would talk about being a pilot and when he flies now, it makes him so happy. He said this event is opening up his eyes to possibilities.

“The Career Takeoff event was a huge success for our airline,” said Brooks Butler, chief pilot and lead pilot recruiter.

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